Doing Laundry – Part XVI

Doing Laundry – Part XVI

This entry is part 16 of 17 in the series Doing Laundry“How long do we honestly need to wait here?” Eli asked, desperate for a straight answer. “Long enough for whoever spent ze last zree weeks looking for us to let zeir guard down. Besides, we needed to kill time for...
Doing Laundry – Part XVI

Doing Laundry – Part XV

This entry is part 15 of 17 in the series Doing Laundry“You’ve got somebody that knows who you are, isn’t connected to us, but still on our side. Somebody easy to get to, but quiet,” Lucas finished as if going any further would be superfluous. “Meaning?” “You’ve got...
Doing Laundry – Part XVI

Doing Laundry – Part XIV

This entry is part 14 of 17 in the series Doing LaundryEli Walters had a choice to make. He could either wait to see if Lucas was going to kill him, or he could content himself to die somewhere along the German countryside. “I don’t get it,” he threw out the question,...
Doing Laundry – Part XVI

Doing Laundry – Part XIII

This entry is part 13 of 17 in the series Doing LaundryThe sports car rolled to a stop. Eli exhaled. “One question,” he turned to look at Lucas. “Yeah?” “Did you really blow up a BMW Z4 back at that cafe?” “The NSA hates number two pencils almost as much as...