- Story Quest with STORY GENIUS – Part I
- Story Quest with STORY GENIUS – Part II
- Story Quest with STORY GENIUS – Part III
- Story Quest with STORY GENIUS – Part IV
- Story Quest with STORY GENIUS – Part V
- Story Quest with STORY GENIUS – Part VI
- Story Quest with STORY GENIUS – Part VII
- Story Quest with STORY GENIUS – Part VIII
- Story Quest with STORY GENIUS – PART IX
- Story Quest with STORY GENIUS – Part X
- Story Quest with STORY GENIUS – Part XI
- Story Quest with STORY GENIUS – Part XII
- Story Quest with STORY GENIUS – Part XIII
Note: This series follows Lisa Cron’s book STORY GENIUS and applies it to a short story format. I created a Google Doc (here’s the link if you don’t have it yet) to keep the ENTIRE process in one place. Think of it like a time-lapse video on National Geographic, but instead of brightly colored birds – it’s me writing words. Way more exciting.
I’ve heard it said that writing is re-writing. Meaning: writers tend to write lousy words. This is followed by less lousy words, followed by words that might not be as lousy as their first words, followed by a near-total-mental breakdown, binge watching Netflix, questioning their existence, and then finally making a mad dash to hit publish and start the process all over again. It’s vicious.
Because this is a blog, I’m mostly out of Netflix, and I’ve reconciled myself to the Universe based on some fast and loose meta-physics derived from re-watching Kung-Fu Panda – I rewrote the scene in the first person while adding some dainty flourishes. Scroll to the bottom of the Table of Contents in the Google Doc and hit “Tiebreaker (First Person POV)”.
I wanted more details to flesh out the scene. I used more imagery, added some personal connections to the main character, and broke up the dialogue with description to vary the textual landscape. I did what I could to make Roti’s anxiety noticeable to any character paying attention to him (thereby making it less telling, and more showing) while trying to keep the scene short. I’m not sure where it falls on the universal scale of goodness, but compared to the previous iteration it’s light years ahead.
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