Photo: varfolomeev – (CC BY-NC 2.0)
45 Seconds To Midnight
The tear of sweat seemed to hang motionless, suspended in air like a Kleenex particle caught in sunlight. His top rope quivered 100 feet off the far side of a nearby cliff face. The Yenisei River roared below.
“45 Seconds”
“You didn’t forget anything did you?”
“Didn’t have time…”
Time. The last word roped across their line of sight as they took one last look at each other before their lives would change forever. He could be dead 30 seconds from now. Sure, She’d live, but what quality of life would there be if he hadn’t done his homework?
Representing the Kremlin, Russian correspondent Gibriel Solovyov walked the Dam with a sort of brisk criticism. He corrupted the ground he walked on, and degraded the air he breathed. Still, there he was, the safety inspector of them all.
This would be no accident…
He blinked
45 kilos under the south transformer, 75 kilos on the north transformer, 100 kilos under the oil supply lines, actuators, transmitter, receiver, signal check, double check, system light active…monitor check.
Sayanogorsk was perfect. Scenic, full of drug addicts, and an elaborate weapons front. Easy money. Nightmare for the city. Fun for him. Who knew the GRU would paint a target on the back of an entire city? Let the good rebuild?
Capacitors at max
Google “Sayano-Shushenskaya accident”, and you tell me what happened….